– ROON or any other “Music Server” is a must component in the flow. – My preference is strongly pointing towards the “Ethernet/Network” choice. Saying that, here are my findings, very simplified: To begin with, my personal basic preference is – “SQ factor” is (slightly) more important than “convenience factor”. I am not a great poster, but I thought I will share my ongoing personal experience practically gained during the past 3 years, comparing USB vs. However even though I’m not relying on Wifi I still copy the film from NAS to MacMini before watching rather than using the MacMini to watch the film on the NAS because its more reliable and it eliminates the rendering problems I sometimes get when watching over network To take an analogy I have a MacMini directly connected to my TV, and by ethernet cable connected to my router, I also have a NAS containing all my films connected to my router via ethernet. Im still struggling a bit with the concept that it is better to listen to music via the network than via usb simply because usb offers a more reliable and faster connection then the network. Interesting, but for me Roon in the diagram unneccessarily complicates things a bit ,if you simply just have music on a NAS does is still stand that it is better to for the DAC to receive the songs over the network share rather that directly via USB ?Īnd if the advantage of Network versus usb is due to less physical components being involved, do you prefer Ethernet Cable or Wifi ? It is this fundamental difference in the way music is transferred between one machine and the other that makes for the differences we’ve been talking about these last few days. Ethernet connects very differently than does USB. Roon, JRiver, Minimserver, Twonky, NAS are examples of servers that can prepare their data to be sent over Ethernet. This kind of output isn’t common for servers and only a few can do it. Here is the same setup only this time, instead of going through USB, we output through Ethernet. It is this very connection that products like the USB Regen, Disruptor, Jitterbug exist to clean up. USB cables are electrically connected to the power and data lines of the computer – a problem for jitter, ground loops, noise from the computer into the DAC.

What’s important to note is the USB fixed cable to the DAC.
If we’re using an iPad or Android tablet we’re connected via WiFi through the router, etc.

The big shape labeled “computer” is the hub where the server is and, connected to the computer, everything else. Here’s what a typical computer setup connected to our DAC through USB might look like. We’ll use the Roon server in these diagrams, but the first diagram could use any number of servers, including JRiver, iTunes, Etc. Our continual research and development allows EarthNet Energy to be on the forefront of an emerging energy market.They say a picture’s worth 1000 words and since these daily posts are fewer than 100 let’s use a couple of pictures to help us understand the difference between our music library played through a computer connected via USB vs. All of these EarthNet Energy systems are offered to the consumer through our company directly and a network of dealers to help in the growth and recognition of these remarkable products. Job creation and product training is a major priority within EarthNet Energy to ensure future development in the alternative energy market. We are producing and have one of the most efficient solar thermal collector devices currently on the world market. Using advanced technology, American ingenuity, and domestic/foreign production, EarthNet Energy promotes the advancement of solar thermal, solar heating, and solar cooling products that are reliable, durable, and economically priced in an international market. We use a laser and robotic manufacturing facility that contributes to our ability in making efficient, effective, competitive solar products for all markets. EarthNet Energy manufactures, distributes, trains, installs and promotes the use of these technologies. In addition, we offer ultra-high SEER solar heating and air-conditioning systems that we have newly introduced to the marketplace. Since 2008, EarthNet Energy, located in Chambersburg Pennsylvania, has manufactured solar thermal systems, which may be used in solar hot water, heating and cooling applications for the residential, commercial, industrial and institutional markets.